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QA Tower

Submitted by: Emilia Breton Lake

Focus: Relationship, Practices, Mindset

Number of Players:


Average Game Time:
20 minutes

1 wooden tower per group

This is a game that emphasizes small batch sizes and collaboration


  1. Set the stage.

  2. Have the group split into pairs each pair should choose who will be the developer and who will be the tester. The goal is to build as tall a tower as possible.

  3. Developer builds as tall a tower as possible (feel free to time box this)

  4. Tester is given a list of problem bricks and to find, once the tester finds the bricks the developer must remove them without breaking the tower. Once the bugs are removed note the time and height of the tower.

  5. Reset after 12 bricks the tester is given a list of problem bricks for the developer to remove. (4 rounds of feedback). Once the final set of bugs are removed note the time and height of the tower.

  6. The tester works with the developer as they are building the structure with the list of problem bricks. Once the tower is complete note the time and height of the tower.

  7. Debrief – What did you learn? How will this impact your work?



In the set up instead of QA and developer change it to customer and team to demonstrate the value of incremental and iterative delivery.


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